
SocArXiv, open archive of the social sciences, provides a free, non-profit, open access platform for social scientists to upload working papers, preprints, and published papers, with the option to link data and code. SocArXiv is dedicated to opening up social science, to reach more people more effectively, to improve research, and build the future of scholarly communication.

SocOpen.org is our blog and information center. The site hosts announcements of news and developments related to the archive, as well as essays that reflect the views of the listed authors.

SocArXiv is part of the University of Maryland, and is directed by a steering committee of social scientists and members of the research library community. They are:

Our technology partner is the Center for Open Science, which hosts the Open Science Framework Preprints server, of which we are an organizational member.

SocArXiv has been supported by grants from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Open Society Foundations, as well as the libraries at the University of Maryland, the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

arXiv is a trademark of Cornell University, used under license.

Papers submitted to SocArXiv are moderated by a team of dedicated volunteers. Our moderators are: